
Latino Comics Expo 2020 Worldwide: Animator Showcase

Camilo Moncada Lozano

Camilo Moncada Lozano

Camilo Moncada Lozano, Mexico City, Mexico

Mexican artist based in Mexico City. Lover of crows, mythology and Japanese culture. 

Surrounded by the vast urban landscape of a city marked by the stigma of conquest and overflowing with history, his work is a solitary journey in the construction of a fictional universe; an escape from the un-chosen reality towards a world of his own. The development of an obsession. 

This microcosm is composed of many different stories (like Donaji & the Magical Poncho) intertwined by several recurring concepts: Divinity, Fear, Power, Sacrifice; but there's also an ominous and tragic entity that appears in most of them: The Crow. Cacalotl ("Crow") is an animation that attempts to define the paraphernalia and destiny of this fictional archetype, whose only role is to irreverently oppose Power; a glimpse into the mythology brewed in the author's personal universe. 

Website: https://twitter.com/Itzcacalotl

Be aware that these videos may contain sensitive content not suitable for everyone. Viewer discretion is advised.

Cacalotl, 2019
Running time: 03:28 min.

The Crow's metamorphosis is no gift. It doesn't carry any virtues with it nor the promise of a brilliant future. It is a curse which brings death and sacrirfice. It's the tortuous task of a cosmic executioner, condemned to repeat again and again it's tragic destiny, always engulfed in the flames of conflict in its quest to abolish Power. That is Cacalotl, animation that presents the cycle the Crow must repeat over and over.

Donaji & the Magical Poncho, 2017
Running time: 11:37 min.

During winter, the cold wind called Itztlacoliuhqui, who causes havoc with his tempest at the top of the mountains, is feared by everyone but a little fearless girl named Donaji, whose bravery will make their encounter something unavoidable decided by fate.