Mar. 3 — Sept. 1, 2019
Norma Morales is Master Printer of Engraving and Artistic Coordinator at the non-profit Taller de Artistas Gráficos Asociados (TAGA, est. 1980) in Carazas, Venezuela as well as founding member of the collectives Fundación Surcos Colectivo Gráfico Venezolano and Grupo TerraGráfica. Her work centers the human figure in an investigation of movement within real and imagined spaces. Paisaje agreste para levitante (Wild Landscape for Levitating) uses collograph and aquatint to depict a figure floating in an ambivalent environment, contemplating what could be either thoughts or a fantastical countryside. Her work has been exhibited in Venezuela, Argentina, Spain, Finland, Brasil, Colombia, and the United States.
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