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Mar. 3 — Sept. 1, 2019

INKSpira, Lima, PERÚ Meráya, 2019, Serigraph, 30 x 22 inches, Courtesy of the artists

INKSpira, Lima, PERÚ
Meráya, 2019, Serigraph, 30 x 22 inches, Courtesy of the artists



Rocío Rendón is a conceptual artist and Director of Inkspira, an art center dedicated to preparing students for admission to Peru’s art schools through art and design workshops. Her work uses politically and culturally charged symbols to discuss collective identity, mundane and religious rituals, belief systems, and power structures. Meráya was created in collaboration with Toño Nuñez and depicts a mythical being from Peruvian myths associated with Amazonian Onaya healers. Rendón’s work has been exhibited in Peru, the United States, Canada, Brasil, Argentina, and Spain.