We invite you to be part of this event where Argentinian author and tennis star Jorge Schneider as he takes us on an adventure where Julio Von Artens gets lost in Buenos Aires and discovers the true inhabitants of the city and the reality he knows begins to dissolve.
Join us for a book reading in English and Spanish by the author Jorge Schneider and a Q & A hosted by Martin Lucas to follow. Music and appetizers after the presentation.
Sonidos Nómadas will provide entertainment after the book reading.
No need to RSVP.
Jorge Schneider is an Argentinean writer and artist based out of LA. He is the author of La sombra de la langosta, La grieta, and El año que me fui. He owns and operates with his wife, Alejandra, the Menduina/Schneider Gallery in San Pedro, CA, which specializes in Latin American art. His books are widely available in libraries across the world.