Andrey Guaianá Zignnatto: Vermelho Como A Brasa


Learn more about artist Andrey Guaiana Zignnatto and exhibit Vermillion Like Embers.


molaa zoom project: andrey zignnatto

MOLAA’s Zoom Project is an invitation to explore the work of some of the most influential and inspiring artists from Latin America and Latinxs in the US.

In each chapter, the conversation with the artists and our MOLAA Chief Curator places the focus on a series or specific artwork, which requires a close inspection and deliberate process of contemplation and exploration. They delve into the ideas surrounding the creation of the works, their sources of research and inspiration, in an effort to immerse ourselves in the world of the artists.

Self-taught artist, visual art's teacher and activist, Zignnatto indigenous from the communities Dofurêm Guaianá and Guarani M’bya. Has worked as a bricklayer with his grandfather between 10 and14 years old. These affective and ancestral memories are the foundation for the conceptual development and the methods used in his artistic production.

Connecting art and life, he invites the observer to reflect on the unstable and dynamic relation that the human being establishes with the surroundings. Promotes a synthesis of the struggle between tradition and contemporaneity and its effects on society and local cultures.

Equalizing forces between the urban and indigenous universes, diasporas, colonization policies, reviewing the history of the arts and some of its movements are themes used in Zignnatto’s production. Has shown artworks in solo and collective shows in galleries and museums in Brazil, USA, Colombia, UK, France, Italy, Spain, Peru, Mexico and United Arab Emirates. Since 2002, he has made artistic workshops for humanitarian projects in Brazil, Angola, Cuba, Siria, and Lebanon for people who live in extremely vulnerable social situations.