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Mar. 3 — Sept. 1, 2019

Coral Revueltas Valle, México Anecumene of the Septentrion, 2019, Aquatint on copper plate and dry point on PVC, 22 x 30 inches, Courtesy of the artist

Coral Revueltas Valle, México
Anecumene of the Septentrion, 2019, Aquatint on copper plate and dry point on PVC, 22 x 30 inches, Courtesy of the artist


Coral Revueltas Valle is an art professor, printmaker, and book artist. She works with both traditional as well as contemporary and digital practices to explore concepts related to mapping. She intervenes these systems of organization in order to question and reinvent cartographical models that trace both local and cosmic territories. This print combines traditional aquatint on copper plate with a drypoint made using PVC and was printed at La Trampa Gráfica Contemporánea (Est. 2009) in Mexico City. Her work has been exhibited throughout Mexico, Europe and the United States as well as in Canada, Argentina, Taiwan, Russia, Guatemala and Japan.

You can follow Coral Revueltas Valle on:
