3D Landscapes

Video Tutorial: 3d landscapes

These 3D landscapes are easy to make at home!

Materials used: - Scissors - Oil Pastels - Paper Napkin - A wide sheet of paper (Watercolor or Drawing paper) We used watercolor paper as it holds oil pastels really well.

Here are the steps we took to create the one featured in this video.

1. Fold your wide sheet of paper into thirds.

2. Take your scissors and cut your paper diagonally to form your foreground, middle ground, and background. To do the stair step method as featured here just cut vertically down the first crease, leaving about 1/3 of it. From the short side, cut horizontally until you reach the first cut crease. Cut vertically down the second crease, leaving about 2/3 of it. Again, cut horizontally from the short side until you reach the second cut crease. 

3. Take your oil pastels and napkins and begin to add color to your background, middle ground, and foreground. Add finer details to your foreground to give the illusion of space. Blend your oil pastel colors on your background panel to give the illusion of depth.

4. When you are finished, prop your 3D Landscape painting up and enjoy the view!