Concha Piñatas

Video Tutorial: Concha Piñatas

Looking for a fun way to spend the afternoon? Follow along as we practice making mini concha pinata ornaments!

Here are the materials you'll need: - Pencil - Scissors - Glue Stick - Yarn/String - Small piece of wire/Paperclip - Small strip of paper - Tape - 1 piece of pink tissue paper - 2 pieces of yellow tissue paper - 2 pieces of 7x7 inch cardboard - 1 piece of 2x20-inch cardboard

Here are the steps you'll take to create your own mini concha pinata ornament!

1. Draw a large circle on your square piece of cardboard with your pencil.

2. Take your scissors and cut your first circle out.

3. Use your now cut-out circle and trace it on your second piece of square cardboard. Cut this out with your scissors.

4. If necessary, cut your long piece of cardboard in half long ways. You want this piece to be about 2 inches wide and 20 inches long.

5. With your scissors, score your long piece of cardboard. This will help it bend into a circle.

6. Cut 15 pieces of tape. Each piece should be about 1 inch.

7. Place the pieces of lof tape along your cardboard's unscored side.

8. Use the tape to attach one of your circles to the outside edge of your scored piece of cardboard. If you have any extra cardboard hanging off the edge, you can cut it off with scissors.

9. Use the remaining tape along the open edge of your almost-finished pinata!

10. Place your second circle on top of the tape and press down to secure it.

Time to decorate!

1. Spread glue across one side of your pinata.

2. Press your first piece of tissue paper down to your pinata and repeat on the other side.

3. Spread glue along the edge of your pinata and press down the tissue paper edges.

4. Trim any of the edges that may be sticking out.

5. Cut your pink tissue paper into half-inch strips, and add fringe along one side with your scissors.

6. Cut 5-10 fringy oval shapes to decorate your concha-inspired pinata!

7. Use your glue stick and paste down your oval shapes on the front and back of your pinata.

Adding the handle

1. Add a small amount of glue to either side of your small strip of paper and paste it down to the top of your pinata. Leave a little room to thread your piece of yarn underneath the paper.

2. Tie one piece of yarn around the strip of paper and the other around your metal wire. Bend your wire into a hook, and you're done!