
Video Tutorial: cyanotypes

Here is a quick how-to on making Cyanotypes! Leslie, from our education department, shows the right steps to take to create a beautiful Cyanotype. Below are the items you need and the steps to recreate this awesome process at home! Fun fact: Our Cyanotype was 100% created using plants from the Robert Gumbiner Sculpture Garden.

Items needed: - Cyanotype sheets (Featured in this video is Jacquard Cyanotype Fabric Sheets) - Pane of glass or plexiglass - Clipboard - Collected items - Scissors (only needed if you need to cut items to fit) - Water/sink


Step 1: Lay out the design you want to create with the objects you found

Step 2: Pull out a sheet of your Cyanotype fabric or paper in low lighting. Attach to your clipboard.

Step 3: Place your found object on the fabric or paper, then cover it with plexiglass. This helps keep your items in place and pressed down.

Step 4: Head outside and let your art soak up the sun! It will take about 5 minutes to process if it's sunny out. It could take up to 10-15 minutes to process if it's overcast out.

Step 5: Clear your object off your Cyanotype and place the fabric into water. Rinse it until the water runs clear!

Step 6: Let your Cyanotype dry overnight on a towel.