Magnetic Slime

Video Tutorial: magnetic slime

Looking for a fun way to learn about science while celebrating the end of summer? This tutorial is meant for you! This activity was recently taught for our Steam Fair during Week One of our 2023 Bilingual Arts and Culture Camp!

Here are the materials you'll need: · Liquid Starch · Glue · Mixing Bowl · Iron Oxide Powder ·Magnet (Neodymium magnets are recommended, as they are strong enough to see the magnetic slime effect) ·Measuring Cup (Optional) · Food Coloring (Optional) ___

Here are the steps you'll take to do your very own Magnetic Slime at Home:

Step One: Pour ¼ cup of glue into a bowl.

Step Two: Add two tablespoons of Iron Oxide Powder to the glue. You can always add a bit more to the mix.

Step Three: Mix glue and Iron Oxide Powder well. The mixture should look dark grey, as the Iron Oxide Powder will be visible.

Step Four: Optional step! You can add food coloring during this mixing break for vibrancy!

Step Five: Add 1/4 cup Liquid Starch into the mix.

Step Six: Mix well! Using hands is preferred. This may take some time, as you want to ensure the mixture is not too stringy or sticky.

Step Seven: Knead the slime as if you were kneading dough. This is to finalize the slime and collect it all together.

Step Eight: Optional but very cool! Hover the magnet around the slime! It will start to stretch the slime toward the magnet. You may also see it start to collect pieces of iron oxide powder!