Lenticular Art

Video Tutorial: Lenticular Art

Here is a quick how-to on making Lenticular art! Leslie, from our education department, shows the steps to take to create a beautiful Lenticular. Below are the items you need and the steps to recreate this awesome process at home!

Items needed: - A piece of cardstock or construction paper - Two 8x10 images - Scissors - Glue Stick - Pen or pencil


Step 1: Fold your cardstock or construction paper in half lengthwise three times.

Step 2: Crease your folded edges with your pen or pencil.

Step 3: Reverse your folds so all your valleys look like peaks! It should start to look like a fan or an accordion.

Step 4: Repeat the first three steps with both of your 8x10 images.

Step 5: Cut along the folded lines of both your images. Keep your strips for both images. You will use the first four strips of both your images.

Step 6: Number each of the segments 1-8 on your cardstock or construction paper.

Step 7: Paste your first set of strips on the odd-numbered columns of your cardstock or construction paper with your glue stick. Paste your second set of strips on the even-numbered columns of your cardstock or construction paper with your glue stick.

Step 8: Recrease all your edges so they are sharp, and you get the full effect of the Lenticular!